Sunday, April 17, 2011

Salon Effects!

Okay, so I know it took forever but I FINALLY! FINALLY, purchased my Sally Hansen Salon Effects!  I bought the box at wal-mart for $8.50, they came out to $9.01 with tax, which isn't bad when it comes to comparing it to the price I would pay at the salon.

Applying these was kinda easy, it required some patience but once I got them on I knew I was doing something right!  I watched a couple of videos on YouTube to make sure I wasn't going to waste my money and those definitely helped! I even used one of the girls ideas and used the sames trip for both hands! which means I still have a whole nother set of strips to use whenever I feel like having the same design again!  That made me really happy :):):)

Here's a picture of the finished product and let me tell you, I'm in LOVE!
These are the Collide-O-Scope ones, LOVE THEM!

Also, after applying these and seeing several patterns, I definitely think I'm going to enter their contest! I've got some fun ideas...

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